6 Habits to the Best Me - Charlie Rowan Designs
Family,  Food,  Motherhood

6 Habits To A Better Me

May marked one year since I left Corporate America to pursue Charlie Rowan Designs full time, and in many ways it feels like at the same time I left my desk job I also stepped away from my old life and consciously started to shift into a life that feels truer to my purpose.

This year has without a doubt been a year of transformation for me in many ways.  I joke with my friends and family that I have really embraced my inner hippy this year.  Which to be honest has always been there I had just pushed it way down and piled things like accomplishment, accolades, busyness, and outside perceptions really high on top of it, so high I had almost forgotten it was in me.

This year, I got clear on my “why” and what my ideal life looked and felt like, and while it’s an ever evolving process I can confidently say I feel more inline with my purpose and the real things that bring me joy than I ever have been.

Below, I am sharing a few habits that have helped me both mentally and physically this year on the path to becoming my best self.

6 Habits to the Best Me - Charlie Rowan Designs


I swear by this daily practice, and if you can’t do it daily, do it 3 times a week, do it once a week….it will change your life!  I started with the Headspace app after a dear friend of mine (thanks Ty) couldn’t speak highly enough about it and how it had changed every aspect of his life.  The first time I used it I remember closing my eyes and almost having a panic attack, it felt like bolts of light were bouncing off the inside of my head, and I realized that the thought of sitting, doing absolutely nothing…no phone, no cleaning, no moving from task to task…nothing…for 10 minutes gave me an insane amount of anxiety, and then I thought…how sad.  How sad, that I couldn’t even sit in stillness for 10 minutes.  Since then, I do my best to meditate everyday for at least 10 minutes, so days it doesn’t happen, but most days it does and I can not tell you the ways it has changed my life.  In the stillness, in the quiet, is where I find clarity, peace, perspective, and it has taught me so much about myself, about being present, how to refocus and change my perception.  I could go on and on but I’ll just say if you take away one habit from this list let it be this one.  It will change your life.

Clean Eating

It started when I had kids, but it really started when I lost two friends from college who were healthy, Division I athletes that passed from cancer at a far too young age.  I started to feel like more and more people that I knew were battling this horrific monster, and while I know the connection of social media, and the ability to stay up to date on the lives of so many of them people we have connected with makes that more prevalent, I couldn’t help but feel that when I was a kid I could hardly remember my parents losing friends to cancer, yet here I was seeing someone, what felt like everyday, being diagnosed or fighting for their life.  It overwhelmed me.

Being who I am, action is one of the ways I gain back control and while I know there is no guarantee that I can prevent me or my family from getting cancer or any other horrific disease but I do know there are certain things you can do to help better your chances and for me that was food.  After all I’ve been an athlete my whole life and I know how much the food we put into our body affects the way our body performs.  This last year of really trying my best to eliminate preservatives, processed foods, and be conscious of our food choices has made a drastic change in the way I feel each day, my mood, my relationship with food, my cravings, everything.  I can’t speak highly enough about the benefits we as a family have seen from it.

Over the last year clean, whole food, eating has become a real passion of mine and while I don’t know what it looks like yet, I feel deep inside me that at some point sharing that passion will be a large part of my life story.


I truly hate to admit this but after having kids my habit of reading fell off the map. I just couldn’t find the time, by the time my had finally hit the pillow all I wanted to do was sleep, I couldn’t even fathom picking up a book.  Although, scrolling through my phone never seemed to be a problem…funny how that works!

So knowing I was never going to make the time to pick up an actual book, this last year I started LISTENING to books.  It again, has changed my life.  I load the books on my phone, plug my headphones in, stick my phone in my back pocket, and I do laundry, clean the house, drive to the grocery store, cook dinner, the list goes on and on….all while listening to the books I’ve been dying to read!

While I do know the value in actually reading, in modeling reading to my kids, in this season of my life this is what is working and I’m fully embracing it, and loving it.  It brings me so much more joy than throwing on Netflix while I fold laundry or wash dishes.

Workout Routine


This is a no-brainer and anyone and everyone will tell it to you, but having a consistent workout routine in my life again has been such a blessing.  Making it a priority in my day, means I don’t skip it, even when I want to.  When I workout my patience is better, I feel a sense of accomplishment, my self-love improves, and just like reading I think it’s so important to model a commitment to a healthy life style for our children.

Being Creative Every Day

I have just recently adapted this practice by forcing myself to sketch each and everyday.  To be honest, I have missed a day here and there, but on the days that I do it I’m always so greatful I did.  For me, being creative feeds my soul, it challenges my brain, it helps me grow, and it opens my eyes to possibility.  While it is such a simple habit, filled with imperfections it is one of my favorites.


Again, so simple, and everyone will tell you, but drink water.  I embarrassingly will admit that I can remember a time not to long ago where I could go days without drinking water….just coffee, diet coke, wine, juice, but never water.  I always knew I should drink water but unless I was working out it never appealed to me, ever.   This year I purchased this tumbler and my water drinking life has forever been changed.  I don’t know if it’s the fact that it fits in the cup holder in my car, if it’s the stainless steel straw, or that I finally made a rule that I could ONLY drink water in my car, but whatever it was I now drink at least 90 oz of water a day thanks to that thing.  I am amazed at the difference drinking water has made in my skin, my mood, my appearance, the way I feel each day…and I now crave water! Who am I?!?!  Seriously, if you’re not on the water bandwagon get on it, and never look back!


I would love to hear what habits have shifted your life, and what ones you can’t live without.  Be sure to leave a comment below.
