Friday Favs: Podcasts I’m Binging On + What’s Keeping Me Sane & Organized
It’s FRIDAY!!! Plus it’s been a hot min since we have done a weekly round up of our favorite things so lets do this! First up, Podcasts: I’m currently, obsessively binging on the @thealisonshow podcast Awesome with Alison, found here. So, admittedly I didn’t really think Alison was my cup of tea. My only perception of her was through social media, and while entertaining, she came off as a bit over the top, loud, and borderline obnoxious. However, it’s kind of like the sun, you just have to look! So when I stumbled across her podcast I thought well, it will at least be entertaining if nothing else! But guys, IT IS…
Friday Favs: My New Favorite Workout, Small Shop Finds, and a $100 Giveaway
Happy Friday MAMA’S, we made it!!! I thought it would be fun to start sharing some of my favorite finds from life and around the web each week so I’ve rounded up a few fun things to checkout, some good reads, my current workout obsession + a $100 GIVEAWAY for JORD Watches (including a $25 credit emailed to you just for entering) for you below. Hope you enjoy and have an amazing weekend with the ones you love!
4 Small Kids Brands I’m Totally Crushing on For Fall
As my kids are getting a little older and have stopped outgrowing everything in 3 months I’ve started to be more conscious of the clothes I’m buying them as they will actually be sticking around for a bit. I also try to mix a few staples with some more standout or investment pieces that I feel represent their little personalities. Below I’ve rounded up a few of the small brands that I am totally crushing on for fall.
One of Those Days
Lately I’ve been in a bit of a funk. It came on after a few weeks of some really big wins both professionally and personally. It felt like things were happening, all the life changes I had made were panning out and giving me the confidence that I had made the right decision, that yes, this new journey of building, designing, creating a new brand, and career was all going to work out. And then everything slowed down, and over the past 2 weeks a few meeting were pushed backed, orders slowed, and the crazy business of the past few weeks had came to a halt. Which admittedly in the…
Why I Left Corporate America
This is such a complex question but I’ll start with saying that I never in a million years thought I would ever leave the corporate world. Before I had children, it was just never even a thought that would have crossed my mind. I didn’t have the urge to run my own business, I was content with working the 5 day a week grind, and I was determined to climb that ladder. And I did, and I was good at it. Then I had kids, and my entire world changed. No longer was I content with my few short hours a day with them, time seamed so precious and having…